Thursday, July 13, 2006



If you wish to file a claim, or want to know the location, owners, and status of legal claims, do the following:

* Establish the area in which you are interested. (U.S. Bureau of Mines and U.S. Geological Survey publications identify gold-bearing streams.)
* Locate the area on a topographic map by section, township, and range.
* With this information, check with the Bureau of Land Management which keeps current records for all mining claims on federal lands (see For more information section).
* Mark claim locations on your topographic map, and go out and look for markers in the field.

A placer mining claim is normally 20 acres, generally measuring 660 by 1,320 feet. The long direction of the claim is usually oriented parallel to the stream. Remember, valid claims may exist with no visible markers. If there is an error in the location description, the marker on the ground rules.
Mining Claims Info Click Here

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